Keeping the mobile phone safe in today’s time is our top priority. So, it is natural that one would want to find their phone as soon as it is misplaced or stolen. Tracking the phone becomes extremely important because of all the data stored. Smartphones are also expensive purchases so it is better to consider recovery of the item before buying a new one. Let us see how you can track a phone’s location by just the SIM number inside.
Tracking Through a SIM

SIM stands for subscriber identification module which includes some of the crucial data like a person’s contacts. It also connects the customer to a network and helps in tracking. If a phone is stolen, the thief will opt for removing the SIM first because it makes it easiest to track so you would have to track it faster.
Get An App
It is the easiest way to ensure that your phone is safe. A find my phone app is perfect to help out in case a phone is misplaced or stolen. They use the tracking of the SIM to find the phone from a close friend’s device. It will probably ask both the users to register but these applications are usually very effective. In case you do not want to install an app, here is the old-school way.
Step 1: Call your phone
Calling the phone will help the network provider know the last location when the call rang even if unanswered.
Step 2: Get the IMEI number
The IMEI number stands for international mobile equipment identity. It is unique for each mobile and will help in finding the phone faster. When you call up the network service providers, give them your number, and IMEI number in order for them to find your SIM number in their records.
Step 3: Let the Service Provider handle it
Once you request the recovery of your phone, the service provider will use the IMEI number to track the phone based on the last location. One does not have anything to fear even if the SIM card was changed in the phone. Due to the IMEI phone number, the providers can easily see the new SIM connected with the phone and track its location.
Step 4: Contact the authorities

The theft of your property needs to be reported for the police to take adequate action regarding it. The police can use their resources to block your phone so that it is not used for any nefarious purposes. It can also help you find the phone in case some stolen items are recovered sometime later.
The Takeaway
The service providers are there to help you so do not think twice before contacting them. Make sure you have your IMEI number at hand so that you do not lose precious time. Notifying the authorities will speed up recovery time because they have more resources than you when it comes to tracking something.